On september the 16th 12 leaders of European superstate meet to decide the shape of a new anthem. The lyrics of this anthem should be compiled from sentences and words with a fair contribution of each state. It should connect all the countries in their differencies and the accord about the lyrics should happen through consensus.
The creation of this Anthem was done by children and teenagers from Tralaškola, an art school in Nitra, Slovakia. At the beginning, each of the participants created a new flag for a fictious state that her, or he represents. Then, based on their own words and phrases, but using also the lyrics of the original EU anthem Ode to Joy, a new text was created. The music for the piece was composed by 14 year old composer Adam Baranec. A final performance in celebration hall of Nitrianska Gallery in Nitra happened after a workshop and guidance of Ivan Šiller and Fero Király (Cluster Ensemble).
It was the pupils of Tralaškola and therefore the representants of the fictious European superstate, who performed the piece to the audience after 2 day workshop.
The project was conceived for an exhibition in Nitrianska Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia.